December 2020 Product Updates: Seating

Matt Lederman
February 28, 2023

RocketRez has always been the go-to choice for tour and attraction companies who need custom seat maps to provide their customers with a seamless booking experience.

However, our new features have enabled us to take it one step further! Coming this January in 2021, we've added more ways for you to maximize your profits and fill up all of those seats quickly and easily.

RocketRez has always offered custom seat maps for tour and attraction companies. Mainly to allow customers to select their seating in the booking journey.  

Now we have added even more functionality to help you grow revenue and make it easier to fill your seats.

*New* Visual Tools for Seating

Now customers can see what the view looks like from any section of your experience. Preloaded images over a section of seats will give your customers that extra bit of comfort that they have selected the right seat for them.

*New* Automatic Socially Distanced Seating

This feature has become even more relevant during a global pandemic ensuring social distancing. Our seating algorithm has the ability to automatically separate groups based on local distancing regulations (usually 6 feet).

Grab some time with our team to see it in action.

*New* Manual Reseating

Sometimes it is better to have the ability to move reservations around to maximize revenue. Our seating algorithm will take care of maximizing seating arrangements based on a normal set of rules, yet for the times you need to override it, you can now manually adjust the seating in the back-end.

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Matt Lederman
Marketing Manager