Matt Lederman
Published: Jun 04, 2021 | Updated: Mar 26, 2024
One of the main benefits of the RocketRez all-in-one operating system is flexibility. Over the years we have built specialty features to help owners save time and increase revenue for Theme Parks, Zoos and Aquariums. However, we excel in the specialized niche of boat tour software.
We believe ticketing and reservation software cannot be one size fits all, as it is only one piece of a path of dependencies in your unique business process. We must understand how this works on the ground at your operation and how information is passed from one department to another.
We’ve identified five key features built specifically for boat tours that reduce common workloads in this industry.
Running multiple boats can be hectic.
Management needs an easy way to plan the key characteristics of each tour well in advance. RocketRez allows you to go boat-by-boat and enter a custom tour schedule, departure times and boat capacity.
Capacities can be arranged by month, season or for the entire year. This level of customization on the back end of an online buying process reduces the manual workload of your staff.
Selling a ticket or reservation online is our specialty – and we do it well.
However, this sale is only the first step in a chain of processes from 'booked tour' to 'happy customer'. Great information at each stage helps management provide great experiences at the next.
Our boat tour-specific module is equipped with several custom booking tools, including seat maps to help customers self-select and a tour manifest to help your staff build reports for capacity planning. Accurate forecasting of food and beverage requirements taken from the manifest helps tours run smoothly.
Once your customers have completed your online booking process you have earned the right to reach out to them.
All forms and waivers that are required before the tour can be sent out automatically through our waiver module. Additionally, trip reminder emails sent out in a pre-set cadence help set expectations for customers and drive them to potential upselling opportunities.
On the day of the tour, customers will be scanned in and purchase beverages, food and gift shop items.
Generally, this is done with Point-of-Sale hardware from your staff. Many boat tour operators run multiple boats simultaneously, which can be miles apart on the water.
With cloud-connected systems, your staff simply log into the RocketRez module on your preferred device and all data and records go to a central location.
Finally, many boat tour operators collaborate with other businesses as resellers of their tickets.
It is common to bundle a boat tour with a restaurant, hotel or event offer. Our reseller module allows an outside party to log into the RocketRez system and sell easily.
Event planners and hotel concierges require no information or management to sell your tickets, they simply book through RocketRez and allow your pre-set prices, schedules and capacities to dictate the process. With our live inventory, there is no risk of overselling. Effective configuration of your boat tour software can drive revenue and reduce costs.